We work closely with CDG Environmental, Bethlehem, PA in the development of new and improved processes for the production of chlorine dioxide gas and stable solutions of chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is used in bio-decontamination, bio-remediation, bleaching of pulp and paper, drinking water treatment, washing of fruits, vegetables and meats for neutralization of bacteria and other spores.
Halide Group Inc offers the portable device shown below for bio-decontamination of rooms and enclosures. The capabilities of the ClO2 generator are:
The device has been used successfully in bio-decontamination of rooms and bio-safety cabinets at NIH, Bethesda, Hershey Hospital, PA and at other test sites. 6-log reduction in the concentration of spores on test strips is readily achieved in 30 minutes as opposed to a 12-24 hour decontamination procedure with formaldehyde.
Halide Group, Inc. 930 Hamilton Street; 4th Floor Allentown, PA 18101 info@halidegroup.com